Truck accidents are one of the scariest crash scenarios a person can experience. For one, the injuries and property damage that occur are typically much more severe. Also, obtaining compensation for injuries can be more troublesome. In a truck accident lawsuit, you have to battle the truck driver, the insurance company and the trucking company.
For these types of cases, you will definitely need a specialized trucking accident lawyer on your side who can get fight to get you the compensation you deserve.
Common Causes of Truck Accidents
Trucking accidents commonly occur as result of several reasons, including: malfunctioning brakes, rollovers, blind spots, swinging turns, reckless driving (from drunk and/or drowsy driving), blowout/bald tire, overload cargo or falling debris. Defensive driving practices can help you avoid some of these dangers or reduce the injury, but sometimes there is nothing you can do to get out of the way.
Wrongful Death
Due to the nature of semi- and tractor trailer trucks – namely their size and weight, as well as the high rate of speed at which they travel on interstates and highways – truck accidents have a much greater chance of resulting in a serious injury or fatality than crashes between two cars. If you have lost a loved one in a truck accident, talk to a wrongful death attorney as soon as possible.
If you've been in a truck crash, seek medical attention immediately. Then, call a truck accident attorney as soon as possible so that they can begin building your case.